The application for the Primary One Alternative Places is open now.
The details of the application are as follows:
Application Period: 1st June - 18th June, 2021
Time for Application: 09:00 - 16:30 (Mon - Fri)
09:00 - 12:00 (Sat)
Application Procedures:
Submit the completed P.1 Alternative Places Admission Form together with the following documents or information to the School Office during the above period.
The corresponding documents:
Interview will be arranged from 23rd June, 2021 onwards.
Application submitted after 18th June, 2021, interview will be arranged in July.
Means of Admission Confirmation: By phone or by email
For any enquiries: Please contact the School General Office at 2547 7618
Application Form : Can be download on the school website
上午9時至下午12時 (星期六)
交表時間:上午9時至下午4時半 (星期一至五)
1. 學生相片 (護照規格尺寸)一張貼在申請表上;
2. 學生出生證明副本一份;
3. 非香港居民:學生護照副本一份 (如需簽証,請連同簽頁面一併影印);
4. 學生父母護照或香港身份証副本一份(如需簽証,請連同簽頁面一併影印);
5. 學生於當前學校的成績表 (最近的一至兩個學期);
6. 住址證明副本一份 (最近三個月內);
7. 學生天主教領洗紙 (如有)
查詢:請聯絡本校校務處(2547 7618)