The Personal Growth Program was held on 3rd and 4th November, 2022 (Thursday and Friday) with about 800 participants including teachers, students parent volunteers, adventure coaches, wild life learning coaches and orienteering coaches attending the activity.
Students enjoyed a lot in the 2-days learning activities and work together with their classmates.

Primary 1 and 2 ---Life Skills Training

         Life skills are an important area of learning for students. Those are the daily tasks that we do to take care of ourselves in the school. Those skills can help students to attain a smooth transition to a pleasurable learning life in the primary school.

 紐扣 掃地 排書 


Primary 3 and 4 ---Wild Learning

         Wild learning provides students with hands-on experiences in nature. Most students learn better by using their senses. They can see, smell, hear, and touch them in nature. In outdoor settings, students are more motivated to work together in groups, which can improve their social skills. They learn to manage conflicts, communicate, and cooperate with their peers in a more effective manner.

抓魚 烹飪 木工



Primary 5 and 6 ---Adventure Games

         Adventure games include trust or co-operative activities, group problem-solving exercises, and physical challenges such as those presented by rope courses and adventure play apparatus.

         Adventure games have been shown to improve mental health by allowing team members to express their true selves with increased self-esteem and self-compassion. In addition, they also had increased feelings of social connectedness. By providing an outlet for players to express themselves, mental health can be improved.

        Abseiling is a movement that includes going down a vertical surface from a dangerous elevation by rope and a rappelling and outfit framework, it gives students a feeling of accomplishment for different reasons. Some may be an accomplishment in coming over their fear of heights; others may be a feeling of accomplishment in overcoming more noteworthy statures.

輪胎圈圈 獨木梁

游繩1 游繩2



Orienteering Activity (Primary 1 to 6)

     Orienteering is an outdoor sport that requires their participants to persevere, solve problems and more importantly, stay resilient during mistakes. They use maps and orienteering skills to adapt to new discoveries. Supporting our children to perform well in it will improve their ability to make sound judgements and self-esteem.

     The weather was unstable during the activity,through our parents and teachers’ support, all students can overcome the challenges and difficulties. Each challenge comes with rainbows and lights to conquer it. Embracing each challenge and taking the courage to overcome them will transform our children to someone who owns a more meaningful life.


station2 station 3

station 4 



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