本校派出24名四至六年級學生擔任聖誕福音大使,於2023年12月20日早上到堅道偉思幼稚園向幼稚園學生傳揚耶穌降臨的福音。 他們載歌載舞,透過音樂和舞蹈向小朋友宣揚天主降臨救世的重大喜訊。當日的氣氛熱鬧,學生透過服務學習亦提升了他們關愛幼小的良好意識。

Christmas Caroling Ambassadors

There are 24 P4-P6 smarties to serve as Christmas caroling ambassadors and went to Wisely International Kindergarten (Caine Road) on the morning of December 20, 2023 to preach the gospel of the birth of Jesus to kindergarten students.
They sang and danced, preached to the children about the great news of God’s coming to save the world through music and dance.
The atmosphere was very good that day, and students also enhanced their awareness of caring for young children through service learning.



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